#going through the motions of life
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mochiwrites · 10 months ago
being so honest I don’t understand how people can expect you to be doing things constantly every single day. I’m supposed to be on summer break but my university expects me to send in 80 sources for my senior thesis by next week
the very thought of doing school work right now makes me want to cry. I can’t even open a blank document and start writing for my own fics. I can’t even engage in my own hobby right now because I’m so mentally exhausted. how can you expect me to do thesis work? I’ve hardly had a break since finals
my personal life has been an ongoing shitshow since last summer. and has only gotten worse in recent months. how can you expect someone to function in society when you throw one thing after another at them?
I’m so tired and done. but I have no choice other than pushing through it because that’s what’s expected of me! that’s exhausting
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plusultraetc · 4 months ago
okay but what if seeing quirkless pro hero Deku on the news inspires quirkless former-pro Takami Keigo to try the whole hero thing again, but this time on his own terms
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roarinsaurus · 9 months ago
the thing i keep thinking back to over and over about i saw the tv glow is when owen is like "i have a family of my own now. i love them a lot" and then you NEVER see them, not even a sound, it's just a blip, they're just an empty motion...
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craboftheday · 3 months ago
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crab of the day is...
the yellow rock crab (metacarcinus anthonyi)
fun fact: i could not find a single fun fact on this boring ass crab. sorry!
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silkhy-john · 5 months ago
Luke dies. Ethan lives, gets assigned long term punishment as a wanderer by the gods, and takes backbiter as his own weapon. Alabaster gets assigned the same punishment and resents Luke. Alabaster and Ethan meet. Discuss.
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fluffypotatey · 3 months ago
The book has canon poly, so it hurts even more bc polyamory as a concept actively exists in the universe (polyamory always exists, but you know what I mean)
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araraito · 2 months ago
A game just like Sims but dark and gloomy would be extremely good... Something like living in a town run by a cult or demons and just trying to live a normal life... Or we could choose to get involved or save the town or make it better or destroy it entirely...
#imagine going to park with your sim to fish and your sim gets kidnapped by a member of the cannibalist cult#to become a human sacrifice to a demon#all your contacts become gray#you can't click on any of it#and needs bar become black#but you could have things you could use to save yourself in your inventory#like a knife#or maybe you would have happened to befriend an angel at some point and could contact them to save you#they could be the only available contact#or you would have befriended the demon#and he would eat the cult members instead#you could become a cult member yourself if you wanted#and there would be different dark worlds#literally like a mesh up of silent hill and sims#and the events your sim goes through would have mental effects#there would be two emotional categories: temporary and permanent#and your sim could become permanently empty if you choosed to have “normal” run where you focus on survival/just living life normally#staying ignorant to the wickedness of your environment#if you have “permanently empty” status normally you wouldn't have any other emotions#and eventually you wouldn't be able to click on anything in the game#and just watch your sim go through the motions#a gameplay commentary on how nothing they do is important anymore#this status would be instilled after either they witness a certain amount of wickedness or their closed ones get affected by it#i wish i knew how to mod...#but i doubt i have the pc for it#but i'm having so much fun exploring this idea
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meetthegofer · 3 months ago
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the fun thing about this series is that some characters have really absurd backstories which means i get to give my self insert some bullshit too. he loves phone more than god
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lilhawkens · 3 months ago
gotta love the juxtaposition of
oh my god i am so fatigued what if my baseline has shifted to this whatever will i do i don't wanna live like this
there's nothing wrong with me i am faking everything and i am just a horrible person and my labs are gonna confirm it oh NO
in my brain bc WHAT
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yoonia · 2 years ago
the struggles of writing smut (series edition)
where were we?
going back to the previous chapter to see which room they were in 
“…as he lifts her up and presses her against the wall”; previous chapter: they were on a bed
vice versa for this version: “she clenches her fingers around the bedsheets beneath her…”; previous chapter: they were in the living room
did this character give the other a nickname?
going back to the previous chapter to see if they’re naked yet
“…he rips her panties off her skin”; previous chapter: he already stole her panties
and vice versa for this version: “she falls breathless as she watches him smoothly taking his suit off and start unbuttoning his shirt…”; previous chapter: he’s already shirtless
when they’re climaxed/finished and the main/male character wipes his partner clean with his shirt that was tossed in the other room a few chapters ago
“…as he runs his fingers through her silky hair”; previous chapter: her hair is thick and curly 
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goblin-gardens · 7 months ago
Just wrote an email coming out as nonbinary to the hardest conceivable group: the 5 girls I was friends with in middle school because one of them is inviting us to her pre-wedding Girls Trip And Witchy Women Time. Yikes.
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aq2003 · 1 year ago
i think twelve and clara are starting to make sense to me but i don't think it's what moffat intended or how the ppl that like them see their dynamic
#they are so obsessed with each other but not as people but the ideas of each other.#twelve's whole character to me feels like the grieving immortal that no longer has anything as a buffer#between him and the weight of the universe. so he sees clara as this culmination of every one of the companions he's lost before#and that adds up. what w/ eleven meeting versions of clara and seeing them die. that adds up w/ clara's presence in heaven sent#faceless and just telling him what to do. she is the companion he cannot fail this time (but he also#cannot reconcile how one of the reasons he keeps someone like her around is /because/ she's mortal)#meanwhile clara bc of her time in the tardis and how she was treated by eleven. thinks herself to be more than she is#she thinks she's owed so much in her life and she thinks she can handle all of it. like ten in waters of mars#so she views twelve and the life in the tardis as an affirmation of what's so extraordinary about her#which is also how she sees danny. i think her character really sings if this is the main idea w/ her relationships with others#bc it's how the doctor acted around her when he first met her. not seeing her as a person but as an idea a mystery a means to an end#so of course as someone who becomes more and more like the doctor as time goes on it makes so much sense that this would be so central#just like how w martha's doctorfication arc it was about self-sacrifice and violence and death. bc that's how ten acted around her#twelve and clara still have the standard traits of doctor and companion of course. the doctor saves the companion when they're in trouble.#the companion remembers to care when the doctor forgets. but they're going through familiar motions as they#start to lose more and more of themselves by being around each other. bc they don't really see the other person#and that's why their dynamic is so obsessive and toxic#dr who#12 era#now this reading has made both characters make a lot of sense to me but also this has tanked my enjoyment of hell bent#in how clara's arc resolves. i won't elaborate more on that until i actually get to it on the rewatch though
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aslisjournal · 2 months ago
I miss writing 😢
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dieletztepanzerhexe · 2 months ago
i rewatched Fantastic Planet yesterday after a good few years, i didn't remember much bc the last time i saw it i was on a high dose of DXM. man, it's such a great disturbing film with beautiful alien lifeforms. and technology!!! i love experimental animations that try to show technology completely different from anything we know
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trevisos · 2 months ago
okay so i realized there’s honestly no way in hell magpie would let illario walk free. because what i’ve realized about magpie is she gets angry when she recognizes herself in someone else and doesn’t like what she sees. and she is in soooo many ways such a mirror of illario that there’s no way she doesn’t see it. and in her mind she MUST prove she isn’t like illario. that she could never do what he’s done. that she’s loyal to her family and that whatever power or influence she now has (for better or for worse) she has earned without hurting the people she loves. and the best way to do that is to kill that man dead. she’s honestly surprised when lucanis *doesn’t* kill him despite it being obvious from the jump that he was never going to LMAO. she’s so fixated on proving she’s different from him and that she can NEVER be him that the idea that lucanis will show mercy is beyond her. because once again Crow Business is like a black hole where much of her higher reasoning goes to die in favor of lessons taught to her through torture and bloodshed in her youth <3 yay <3
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maideninorange · 1 year ago
Sorry for vanishing guys. I'm still alive, just... taking a break from social media. My mental health has not been kind to me these past few months, and I found that I... Just haven't been able to reblog and do things like I used to on here. Not to mention college. College has been eating up a lot of my time.
I don't know why things are like this for me, but like this they are. I keep telling myself I'll come back one of these days, but so far nothing has stuck.
So yeah. TL;DR: I'm still alive, just gone dormant. I hope to be back one day for real though. When? I do not know. But someday.
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